We use a large network of couriers to deliver your products to you as early as possible.

  • Order is shipped within 7-8 Business days (Deliveries may take longer due to festive rush!!)
  • The whole order amount including any delivery charges will be refunded if the order is cancelled, lost or undelivered to your preferred location.
  • Orders will be delivered in 10-12 Business days. 

Cash On Delivery Policy

As per the Cash on Delivery policy:

  • Pin code provided for Cash on Delivery should be in the serviceable area. If not, any online payment mode needs to be used.
  • You cannot open the box without making the payment at the time of delivery.
  • If the product is open, do not accept the order.
  • No credit/debit cards are accepted in Cash on Delivery.


The address: The Pony & Peony Co. (Enterprise of  V A & Co.) G-8, FF, Portion B, South Extension - 1, Main Market, New Delhi - 110049